Most businesses are cautious, at best, to ask customers what they really think and to truly understand their future needs. CUSTOMER is a program that has been heavily utilised by our clients for many years. At a basic level it’s a litmus test on the mood of your primary/only income stream. CUSTOMER is a survey, normally conducted online, with questions that either come from our extensive library, from you the business owner, or a combination of both. The program will establish your current Net Promoter Score (an internationally recognised index) that defines the likelihood of your current offer being referred to others Survey results are delivered in an extensive report, with suggestions and proposed action plan to put you, the owner, in the best position to succeed. Benefits and Outcomes of the Program Understand the current issues, insights and opportunities from your customers Insights on what is working currently Insight on competitor offers/environment Suggestions on how the business could improve Specifics on what is required to effect continued engagement/future need Solution and Outcomes CUSTOMER delivers clarity and insight on what the current situation is, recommendations on what needs to take place to nurture the existing customer relationship and what the customer seeks to continue the relationship.
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app