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FINANCE - know your numbers and make them work

  • 15 Steps


Create financial discipline to build strength, sustain growth and achieve profit Often business owners do not have a real time perspective on the financial strength of the business, what are the key financial metrics, and what needs to happen to become more profitable and effective. Worst case this dynamic leaves the business (and owner) exposed to risk. FINANCE commences with a ‘deep dive’ on the Profit and Loss of the business over the last 3 years trading to review the key financial metrics – Income, Cost of Sales, Gross Profit, Operating Expenditure and New Profit. Its key early on to identify the ‘rhythm and momentum’ of the business. The program will identify several areas for review and ongoing action. After analysis, discussion and alignment we find that owners have a whole new state of clarity on a timely basis and are clear on what needs to be actioned to talk to profitability, efficiency and growth. Benefits and Outcomes of the Program A Profit and Loss that talks to the drivers of the business Establishing a timely review framework that is action focused Defining financial accountability and ownership for various stakeholders within the business Focus on actions that support profitability, growth and the financial health of the business Peace of mind Solution and Outcomes ‘FINANCE’ is the most popular program. It consistently gives owners confidence and clarity on the focus and actions to positively impact profitability and growth.

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